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Façade Grant

The Façade Grant Program is intended to encourage new or existing property owners to improve the appearance of buildings in the City of Dallas Central Business District Area. Matching funds are made available for eligible improvements to business facades that are easily visible and in public right-of-ways, such as those that face a public street or a public parking area. Improvements must preserve the individual character of each building with its unique features, historic appearance and significance, as well as make a contribution and impact to the appeal of the Central Business District Area. Note that all such improvements District must meet the Historic Preservation Commission’s design guidelines if located within the Historic Commercial District and have an approved Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application and building permit. The Façade Grant Program is funded by the City of Dallas, GA and administered by the City of Dallas, GA Downtown Development Authority. The Dallas DDA will determine the amount of matching funds based on the proposed façade change, grant funds available and the number of request under consideration. Visit to learn more!

UGA Small Business Development Center

SBDC Programs deliver professional, high quality, individualized business advising and technical assistance to existing small businesses and pre-venture entrepreneurs. SBDCs provide problem-solving assistance to help small businesses access capital, develop and exchange new technologies, and improve business planning, strategy, operations, financial management, personnel administration, marketing, export assistance, sales and other areas required for small business growth and expansion, management improvement, increased productivity and innovation. The SBDC office that serves the Dallas area is located in Rome, Georgia. Visit


Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Downtown Development Revolving Loan Fund (DDRLF)

The purpose of the Downtown Development Revolving Loan Fund (DDRLF) is to assist cities, counties and development authorities in their efforts to revitalize and enhance downtown areas by providing below-market rate financing to fund capital projects in core historic downtown areas and adjacent historic neighborhoods where DDRLF will spur commercial redevelopment. Visit

Georgia Cities Foundation (GCF) Revolving Loan Fund

Applications for the Revolving Loan Fund program may be submitted at any time. The Foundation's staff will review applications to determine if the project fits the overall objectives of the Foundation and is likely to have a positive economic impact on the community. 

Applications are evaluated based on leadership, accountability, long-term sustainability, and potential for private investment. Projects should encourage spin-off development, add jobs, promote downtown housing, or add to the cultural enrichment of the community. Each application must also undergo credit underwriting. Visit

Georgia Cities Foundation (SSBCI) Funding

The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 (the “Act”) became law in the fall of 2010. The Act created the State Small Business Credit Initiative to strengthen state lending programs that support small businesses and manufacturers. The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) reauthorized the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 to provide $10 billion to fund the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI 2.0) as a response to the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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